Accounting and Taxation


Opportunities Found, Problems Solved!


Intellisolve takes care of all your accounting and business financial reporting needs.

We cater for:

  • Individuals
  • Partnerships
  • Companies
  • Trusts and;
  • Self-Managed Superannuation Funds

With our client’s permission on a case-by-case basis, our considered and progressive approach encompasses the selective outsourcing of labour intensive compliance tasks to definitely save you money yet without sacrificing quality. So why pay more?

We’re also proud to announce that we’re:



The obvious and ongoing major expenses for most of us are:

  • Rent or mortgage
  • Motor vehicle
  • Food 
  • Healthcare
  • Entertainment

And for many businesses, there’s staff.

Not surprisingly however, tax can exceed any of the above.

Whilst taxpayers must pay the correct amount of tax in accordance with their circumstances and the law, nonetheless, Intellisolve provides affordable expertise to legally minimise the amount.  

Both Intellisolve and its principal (Frank Genovesi), are registered tax agents meaning we can provide you with a tax agent service here in Perth and right around Australia.

Intellisolve covers advising you on your entitlements and obligations that arise or could arise under a taxation law and or in representing you in your dealings with the ATO.

Moreover, Frank’s appointment in Nov 2012 by the Tax Practitioners Board, Canberra, was granted on the basis of his extensive submission including an approximate 200 page detailed technical analysis of many and varied relevant provisions of a number of the Taxation Acts and other related matters, as affecting home based businesses.

The submission was further supported in his tendering a substantial collateral document thereto as containing copies of his many dealings with The Office of The Treasurer Canberra, Treasury, ASIC and the ATO. Furthermore, two public accountants/registered tax agents attested to his expertise and level of training as provided of which they could not otherwise have gained in the marketplace.

It is therefore probably fair to say this body of work stands alone and without peer. 

Not limited of course to the taxation of home businesses, accurate advice and comprehensive services are provided to individuals and businesses direct as well as to to financial planners, mortgage brokers, property professionals, solicitors and accountants seeking a further opinion, advice and or services concerning any of the following tax related matters either for themselves or on behalf of their clients:

  • Acquisition and disposal of residential and commercial property
  • Acquisition and disposal of small business active assets
  • Co-occupation of business premises by related and unrelated parties
  • Tax effectively extending a main residence
  • Recharacterisation of internal and external personal use areas of a home into bona-fide business use areas pursuant to the interest deductibility test
  • Relocation of small businesses to residential property (including breaking commercial leases)
  • Business ownership and operational structures
  • Comparing the tax outcomes of investing into residential property versus goodwill or plant.
  • Comparing the tax outcomes of the “cgt active asset replacement” using privately created intellectual property (IP), to contributing to superannuation via the “small business retirement exemption” – (i.e. all of industry, public offer & SMSF’s)
  • Then using the aforementioned IP to boost all forms of superannuation
  • Distinction between revenue v. capital accounts
  • Distinction between property improvements and property repairs  
  • Legally depreciating a main residence
  • Advanced cash-flow concepts as to paying off your home loan
  • The Alienation of Personal Services Income Act 2000 (Cth) …  “The PSI Rules”
  • The Non-Commercial Loss Rules
  • The GST Act 2000 (Cth)
  • The Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 (Cth)
  • The Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth)
  • The Income Tax Assessement Acts 1936 & 1997 (Cth)
  • The Commissioner’s General Anti-Avoidance Provisions under PartIVA, ITAA1936 (Cth)
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) … (please note; this is NOT a separate tax)
  • The CGT “Six Year Rule” as pertaining to a main residence
  • The Small Business CGT Concessions
  • Section 100A Issues for Trusts
  • Interpretation and analysis of approved ATO publications e.g. Register of PBR’s, Law Administration Practice Statements, Miscellaneous Tax Rulings, Taxation Determinations, Decision Impact Statements, etc. 
  • Private binding rulings, class rulings, taxation objections, assistance with submissions to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal & the Federal Court of Appeals as concerning disallowed taxation objections  (note:  as the Federal Court can only consider questions of law, not fact and that these can be extremely difficult to tell apart, we feel further strongly in making our competence available without crossing the line as to provision of legal advice or legal representation being that we are not solicitors).
  • Audit insurance and audit assistance

General assistance with ATO matters

Complaints Handling Process: Should at some point you decide to become a client of our tax practice and, if for any reason you feel that we have breached our obligations to you and we haven't been able to resolve it in a conversation, then you'll need to put your concerns to us in writing as a ‘Notice Of Complaint’. From there, we'll respond to your Notice of Complaint in writing and within 14 days. Further again, as members of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), we are subject to its ethical and professional requirements and its investigations and disciplinary processes hence, should we not successfully resolve your complaint, you may resubmit it to the IPA for investigation. In so doing, you'll be agreeing that any complaints to the IPA relating to the services we provide and or to our agreement with you, will be dealt with in accordance with its complaint's process. For more information on this, please visit the IPA's complaints webpage, available at: You may also complain about Us to the Tax Practitioners Board (please click the following link for further information on how to go about this, what to expect and of your review rights if you're unhappy with the outcome):

Relevant Matters Disclosure: From 01 July 2025, before engaging or re-engaging with you, the law requires us to disclose any matter that could affect your decision. Our understanding is that this relates to any matter that affects our propriety to provide you with a tax agent service. For now at least, we can't think of anything but if we do, we'll surely post it here for you to come back and to read at your convenience.

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