Workforce-led Value Creation.

Growing demand to deliver long-term value for stakeholders and outdated employment models are putting business under pressure.

With disruptive forces changing the working world at a time when it’s getting harder to source and retain talent—organisations need more flexible and agile workforces to match.

Intellisolve shows you how to adapt.


Deduct Your Home
FREE On-Demand Training  
If you're one of over 884,000 Australian employers, then this training shouldn't be missed!

Deduct Your Home TEAMS significantly and permanently slashes everyday operating expenses for any business whose employees can perform their duties from home - saving qualified businesses thousands of dollars per employee - per annum - permanently, as it propels your workers to new heights.

Welcome to Australia’s SMART Future of Work!

Deduct Your Home TEAMS: The most ROI intensive workforce strategy available to Australian business today.

COVID-19 ushered the largest socio-economic experiment in human history, in a new era of work, with hundreds of millions of displaced workers forced to perform their jobs at home (and largely successfully), albeit many are seeking wider, more intelligent solutions.

Depending on your business, the disruption ranged from massive to minimal whilst for some, many benefits and opportunities were uncovered.

In short, much on many workplace fronts, will never be the same.

We hereby offer you a gem of an opportunity to work with us to educate your business colleagues whereby you assist them to offer an inducement package to suitable employees to resign their employment only to be re-hired as independent contractors, working from their homes as their ‘place of business’. 

What's in this for Employers?

It costs a lot more than salary-plus-super to keep an employee on the books, with our research indicating typical savings of many thousands of dollars per annum, per eligible worker.

In fairness, some of the savings must be offered back to the worker to help them cover any out-of-pocket expenses they will incur in running their home-based business, and to make up for their forfeited Super Guarantee (SG) payments.

What's in Deduct Your Home TEAMS for Employees?

Moreover, the door opens for these workers to the wonderfully-wide world of claiming tax deductions for business expenses further to which, the majority already exist however as non-deductible personal expenses (i.e. council and water rates, mortgage interest, building insurance and repairs and so-on)!

Whilst Australia’s best tax experts typically tend to find their clients around 10% a year in terms of deductions on their home business expenses, typically we don’t rest until we find many tens of thousands of dollars p.a. for them.

It stands to reason, paying less tax means more money in their pockets and we’re not even talking about salary packaging into super for example!




It's imperative to understand: This is NOT solely about tax!

Rather, it’s about a new and heavily subsidised lifestyle of bespoke design that awaits each and every worker who elects to transition. 

Benefits for workers who transition, which otherwise would not be available:

  • Acquiring homes of distinction in more desirable locations, featuring luxury kitchens and bathrooms etc.
  • The end of the commute, improving work/life blance with far less time in peak-hour traffic
  • Reducing dependence on motor vehicles, reduction in CO2 emissions by virtue of permanent performance of duties from home
  • Improved freedom of choice over where to live allows for easier targeting of preferred school catchments
  • The ability to utilise more earnings to invest on beautiful furnishings, exotic travel (yes travel), cars, boats and other big ‘toys’
  • Enriching their retirement nest egg, and
  • Much, much more!

It’s all waiting for your employees (and contractors), however you MUST know what exactly your doing or is fraught with peril.

In as little as one 30 minute discovery call, Intellisolve can teach you how to position the opportunity within your business without stumbling, and this is critical as without the employees understanding the full gamut of the opportunity, they will not agree thus your business simply WILL NOT enjoy the significant cost savings. 

Furthermore, and this is equally critical, it’s from the cost savings that your businesses can either reward shareholders and or become bigger, better, leaner, more effective, more efficient – and more profitable! 


Schedule a Call   
FREE Discovery Call Valued at $750



YES–it’s equally a Worker Care Program and Business Growth Program!

Our program offers your business the following benefits:

  • Permanently and significantly cuts operating costs while maintaining quality, cohesion, productivity, organisational and team culture.
  • Potentially reduces payroll tax (depending on each workers’ circumstances).
  • Reduces associated compulsory workers compensation insurance premiums.
  • Downsize office accommodation to save on commercial lease expenses, management fees and GST.
  • Reduces or negates car parking and associated Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) for affected employers with gross annual turnover of $50M or higher.
  • Reduces or negates other FBT items.  

And ...

  • With no annual leave costs, it realises an immediate 7.7% productivity increase i.e. where previously only 48 out of 52 weeks were productive.
  • Further to the above, it eliminates lost productivity of up to 10 days per annum, previously allocated to sick/carer's/personal leave (cumulative year on year).
  • Reduces/eliminates accrued long service leave from the balance sheet.
  • Eliminates unfair dismissal claims under the Fair Work Act 
  • Reduces the risk of various forms of discrimination and harassment claims in the Fair Work Commission.   
  • Less plant and equipment required to accommodate workers (tools, desks, chairs, computers, photocopiers, cars, delivery vans etc.).
  • Further to the above, these assets can be leased or sold to the new contractors, allowing business to downsize premises without storage issues.
  • Further to the above, proceeds from asset sales strengthens the balance sheet by banking the cash and or reducing liabilities by paying down any applicable debt on these or other items.
  • The use of Deeds of Confidentiality and/or Non-disclosure Agreements, helps to manage any risk of intellectual property or trade secrets being leaked/compromised.



Key Takeaways:

  • With significant per worker annual cost savings up for grabs, your business is in a position to offer an inducement package to your employees, and to simultaneously adopt and secure a sustainable business plan for the future.  
  • The Australian Taxation Office and the Tax Practitioners Board each formally recognise our intellectual property as underpinning yours, your business and their workers mutual opportunity to participate.
  • You will benefit enormously from access to our proprietary Worker Psychometric Profiler, plus our taxation and related IP, all of which is seamlessly integrated to position you to selectively offer our strategy to all existing and new workers.
  • Businesses who take us up shall soon be able to offer so much more than their competitors and this will quickly catapult them to own an incomparable industry reputation and earnings profile ... be one of them! 

I urge you to study our page Australia's Smart Future Of Work, otherwise we cordially invite you NOW, to share the lead with us in this new era that has begun.




Schedule a Call   
FREE Discovery Call Valued at $750