We competently and efficiently sort the things SME's expect such as bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, ATO and ASIC compliance, tax planning and business advisory etc, however for:
Individuals and Sole Traders: We happen to know that you're missing out on huge tax deductions on your home mortgage interest plus many other related costs as likewise for your personal interests, all without necessarily paying any cgt at sale or getting into trouble and in using the money you save along the way to create more wealth and or to live better!
Employers: You've also been missing out on typically cutting $10K - $30K p.a. per worker in payroll related costs whilst improving yours and your workers finances and lifestyles!
We're fussy on who we onboard as clients whereas for employers, our once-off specialised service equips your management and advisory team to properly harness the potency of our ATO acknowledged IP. We're confident that once the benefits are clear and present in your mind, you'll never go back to your "old-normal". We have no competitors in our niche simply because no one else has done the +14,000 hours of requisite hard-slog to rightly proclaim as Australia's sole experts in this specialist field as well as trainers to Australia's taxation profession (the Tax Practitioners Board wrote to confirm this doesn't breach the Registered Tax Agent's "Code of Professional Conduct"). Additionally, a letter from The Office Of The Treasurer, Canberra, confirms our request for it to have discussed our business with the then Commissioner of Taxation and to have relayed back to us the Commissioner’s advice on how we can provide client certainty. Be it further known, the ATO wrote to thank us for assisting in its understanding of the application of the tax law. It also issued a Finalisation Letter of it's Formal Review of us under the Promoter Penalty Laws, indicating no action would be taken where and of note, we risked multi-million dollar fines and imprisonment having actually asked to be looked into whether or not we were promoting an illegal tax exploitation scheme. It also bears mentioning that whilst we're arguably not cheap to hire, we do in-fact quickly "pay for ourselves" and then over and over. Thus, you're now poised to explore the benefits of our cutting-edge R & D and top-down approach that far-transcends normal commercial practice.
We're Australia's future-focussed, reputable, regulator-vetted and peerless, business builders and life improvers ... Nothing Compares!